Sunday, March 1, 2009

How to solve error code740?

Everyone may meet with such kind of error as error code740. It is quite familiar when we install a program. Take such a case for example.

Description: I deleted SpyBot 1.5.2 and tried to install 1.6, however, near end of install I got the message: Unable to execute file: C:\Program Files\Spy Bot - Search and Destroy\SD Win Sec.exe.
Create Process failed; code 740. The requested operation requires elevation.’
That is the problem of code740. Ok, let me first introduce something on error code740. System error code 740 means "the requested operation requires elevation." This error code may also display as "ERROR_ELEVATION_REQUIRED" or as the value 0x2E4. Error Code 740 is a severe Windows error that is caused by invalid registry entries and outdated or corrupt drivers. These errors should be fixed immediately. If not, there will occur further corruption in other applications and/or hardware such as hardware failure, blue screen errors and fatal crashes. The common symptoms include lock-ups, shut down or start up problems, slow pc speed, sluggish behavior, blue screen, pc freezing, no sounds, problems opening documents as well as issues during software installation.

Registry Winner could solve those problems for you. Registry Winner is a top-ranking error-resolution registry cleaner which will fix the computer errors and optimize the system speed. Registry Winner uses the most advanced technology to scan your hard driver and give you a comprehensive diagnosis in seconds. Once the problems have been located, Registry Winner offers you a professional and highly-efficient solution to set your PC in a fantastic state! By using Registry Winner™ regularly, your system should not only be more stable but it will also help streamline your pc registry without expensive hardware upgrades.

Even though Registry Winner could solve error code740, there still come up such situation. So you should take some important points from the installation of Registry Winner software. It is the same way with installing other programs. When you download Registry Winner, if the version of your system is VISTA, you should pay special attention to the installation. There always appears a 740 error during the installation. However it does not affect the use of Registry Winner and it proves you have installed Registry Winner successfully on your pc. When installing, please Right-click
Registry Winner setup file, and then click "Run as administrator".After installing, Right-click Registry Winner shortcut on the desktop, and then click "Run as administrator".If you are prompted for an administrator password or for a confirmation, you just input your password, or click Continue. Error Code 740 is a severe Windows error and is caused by a corrupt registry entry that should be repaired immediately to prevent further corruption in other applications and/or hardware. Risks include hardware failure, blue screen errors and fatal crashes.